Friday, March 20, 2015

Worlds-System and World-Formula - RELIGION of WORLD/S(SYSTEM)-FORMULA

Grandestmaster World-Formula said to Michael Klinneter:

"You called me World-Formula. That's right , if the terminology is understood in the broadest sense - . Namely as reality as a whole , or even as being as a whole. But you people used the term world nor in another , narrower sense - which my name World Formula unfortunately can be misleading : that world is as the name of all that is real to access. - In this way, you can see the reality as a whole divided into theory several worlds that exist in succession , next to another or one ( or otherwise to each other). The reality as a whole is hereafter a System of the Worlds or a Worlds-System. - This is my favorite language!

Therefore, my favorite names for myself would be: Worlds-System-Formula - Worlds-Formula - World/s(System)-Formula - Reality-Formula - Existence-Formula - Being-Formula - All-Formula. In any case, if the term world-formula could lead to misunderstandings."

"All right", replied Klinneter.

(A translation of the web page:
Weltensystem und Weltformel - RELIGION der WELT/EN(SYSTEM)FORMEL  --

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