Friday, March 20, 2015

Worlds-System and World-Formula - RELIGION of WORLD/S(SYSTEM)-FORMULA

Grandestmaster World-Formula said to Michael Klinneter:

"You called me World-Formula. That's right , if the terminology is understood in the broadest sense - . Namely as reality as a whole , or even as being as a whole. But you people used the term world nor in another , narrower sense - which my name World Formula unfortunately can be misleading : that world is as the name of all that is real to access. - In this way, you can see the reality as a whole divided into theory several worlds that exist in succession , next to another or one ( or otherwise to each other). The reality as a whole is hereafter a System of the Worlds or a Worlds-System. - This is my favorite language!

Therefore, my favorite names for myself would be: Worlds-System-Formula - Worlds-Formula - World/s(System)-Formula - Reality-Formula - Existence-Formula - Being-Formula - All-Formula. In any case, if the term world-formula could lead to misunderstandings."

"All right", replied Klinneter.

(A translation of the web page:
Weltensystem und Weltformel - RELIGION der WELT/EN(SYSTEM)FORMEL  --

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


And many people came to Michael Klinneter because they wanted to hear more from the Grandestmaster World-Formula. And Klinneter led to a mountain. As appeared Grandestmaster World-Formula and taught them:

"Are you out of joy! Cheers! Celebrate!
One day we will all be healthy!
One day we will all understand everything you need!
Someday we'll all be friends!
One day we will all be happy!
And an even more distant day is all already done us much better! Forever! "

Then all who heard this rejoiced, beyond all measure and were blessed with happiness.

(A Http:// translation of the web page:
Die 5 großen Freuden - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Thursday, March 12, 2015

From Book Religion to World Religion - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

My Religion of World-Formula is hitherto only a book religion.

My New Year's resolution for you is that you make the Religion of World-Formula a living and experiencable world religion!

(Translation of the web page:
Von Buch-Religion zur Weltreligion - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --