Saturday, December 12, 2015

WELTFORMEL (-RELIGION) entdeckt von Michael Klinneter

This blog here is an English version of that original German blog: RELIGION der WELTFORMEL - UWIRLING.

As you can read, UWIRLING really needs help with translation. If you want to propose a (better or new) translation of a post(ing) or of a part of it, please make a comment with it here in this blog or there in that. It is very welcome.

The Worlds-System and Michael Klinneter thank you

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


(A translation of the web page:
Weltformel entdeckt von Michael Klinneter:

The World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory) constructed by Michael Klinneter is very simple. It may even come along unimpressively. But in my opinion it holds the answers to many big questions of religion and philosophy. For example:

- Why is there anything at all? Why is not nothing?
- Why is there consciousness?
- What is the meaning of life?
- What should I do?
- Is there a life after death?
- Does God exist?
- What is (with) the soul?
- Why are there laws of nature? And why are they understandable? -

WATCH OUT !!! And now it comes: the WORLD FORMULA, the ULTIMATE THEORY, the THEORY OF EVERYTHING !!! According to Michael Klinneter, the World Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory is:

The Being-as-a-Whole is best possible.

The real being as a whole is a best possible being as a whole.

But perhaps "existence" is the better English word than "being"? Then the World-Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory is:

The Existence-as-a-Whole is best possible.

The real existence as a whole is a best possible existence as a whole.

The Totality-of-Existence is best possible.

The real totality of existence is a best possible totality of existence.

The System-of-the-Worlds is best possible.

The real system of the worlds is a best possible system of the worlds.

The Worlds-System is best possible.

The real worlds system is a best possible worlds system.

The Reality is best possible.

The (actual) reality is a best possible reality.

The (real) reality is a best possible reality.-

So, that was the World Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory. But it was only its "weak" formulation. There is also a "strong" version of the World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory:

The real Being-as-a-Whole is the best possible Being-as-a-Whole.

The real being as a whole is the best of all possible beings as a whole.

The real Existence-as-a-Whole is the best possible Existence-as-a-Whole.

The real existence as a whole is the best of all possible existences as a whole.

The real Totality-of-Existence is the best possible Totality-of-Existence.

The real totality of existence is the best of all possible totalities of existence.

The real System-of-the-Worlds is the best possible System-of-the-Worlds.

The real system of the worlds is the best of all possible systems of the worlds.

The real Worlds-System is the best possible Worlds-System.

The real worlds system is the best of all possible worlds systems.

We do not live in the best of all possible worlds; we live in the best of all possible systems of the worlds; we live in the best of all possible worlds-systems.

The (actual) Reality is the best possible reality.

The (actual) reality is the best of all possible realities.

The (real) Reality is the best possible Reality.

The (real) reality is the best of all possible realities.-


1. The formulations mean more or less the same.

2. The terms "best", "best possible" etc. are meant in the ETHICAL meaning. See the posting THE ETHICS OF THE WORLD FORMULA by Michael Klinneter about the question of what is good and right!

3. "Possible" means "logically possible".

4. The weak formulation of the World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory means that there could be nothing better than the given. The strong formulation of the World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory indicates that there is not even something equally good as the given.-

We see: The World Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory also is the more explicit formula:

The real reality is the ethically best reality of all logically possible realities.

(You can replace "reality" with "being as a whole", "existence as a whole", "totality of existence", "system of the worlds", "worlds system", or other synonyms.)


Dear reader,

Have you here found possible quotes of the Religion of World Formula? (The Religion of World Formula could also be called Religion of the Theory of Everything or Religion of the Ultimate Theory.) Then share them with your friends. Please with indication of source. So we all benefit. The Worlds-System and Michael Klinneter thank.


("?" means that I don't know if it is the right English word!).

(Coming soon on this blog:
- PROOF OF GOD by Michael Klinneter !!!
- Leibniz' errors
- ETHICAL World Formula
- Life after death?
- Is there a soul?
- Why is there consciousness?
- Basis of the laws of nature)

And never forget the 7 sacred truths about the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory):

1. There is the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
2. Michael Klinneter found the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
3. A provable religion is based on the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
4. It is good to know the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
5. It is better to make better known the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
6. That is the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory): "The real totality of existence is the best possible totality of existence."
7. That is the ethics of the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory): "Fulfill as much will (?) (wanting?) (wishing?) as possible as fair (?) as possible!" (ETHICAL World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory) 
("?" means that I don't know if it is the right English word!)


Whoever has a brain ought to think!


Has Michael Klinneter really discovered the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory)? - Has Michael Klinneter also found the ETHICAL world formula? - Decide for yourself!


Gentle reader, if you want to propose a better translation, make a comment with it, please.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

UWIRLING Needs Your Help with German-English Translation

This blog here is an English version of that original German blog: RELIGION der WELTFORMEL - UWIRLING.

As you can read, UWIRLING really needs help with translation. If you want to propose a (better or new) translation of a post(ing) or of a part of it, please make a comment with it here in this blog or there in that. It is very welcome.

The Worlds-System and Michael Klinneter thank you

Thursday, September 17, 2015

What is the World-Formula of Michael Klinneter?

(A translation of the web page:

One day the whole of humanity came to Michael Klinneter. A deputy spokesman told Klinneter: "You say you've discovered the world Formula What is the world formula.?" 

Replied Klinneter: "Do not you know it I have yet many years books and e-books published about them?" 

"We were busy elsewhere. We knew nothing about you. And when you have written the mass media, we have ignored you. And the few others who were aware of your writings through your notes on the Internet, do not believe you, and therefore your track not followed up. Why should we? You have no title. You're not a famous professor, who might also sits in a wheelchair. mental giants like Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg have tried to the world formula and have failed. And on television we not seen you. We have not heard there, that there had been a breakthrough in the search for the Ultimate Theory. And then you're talking also of a worldview or even religion in the world formula. That is not our prejudices of a world formula that we would namely situates in the field of physics. There are so many spinners who want to tell us the world. So we appreciate you also.Because ours is the money and the time to pity to buy your plants and read. They are also considered difficult to understand. In summary: We are too ignorant, too skeptical, too stingy and too stupid for your books and e-books.But we would still like to get your world formula know. Free, of course! " 

Since Klinneter was very sad. He went to Größtmeister world formula and told him the story. Guru World Formula consoled him: "Even if you starve, because you do not want to pay people, so you stay but in immeasurably magnificent world system and the flow of life in your experience of a day in a paradise and your fellow human beings is just as you happy in a noisy , as Holy transform. Until then, your experience can still go through some difficult transformations. But in this overall picture, they act not so depressing. " 

"Thank you for your constructive words," said Klinneter. "How am I now proceed with my publications? You publish free, but contradicts the principle of justice!" 

GRÖMPRAZ world formula: "In the current Zeitgeist: you can not justice be expected Not always, but sometimes it is best for the world system, first to think of wish-fulfillment, and to forget the justice only once not worry, the world system does not forget anything, and perfect.. justice is guaranteed. But of course, everyone is invited himself to deliver justice, if possible. But still can not do that. Then wish-fulfillment can be better without justice as justice without wish-fulfillment. But not always. Wisdom is here in demand. " 

Klinneter: "If that is so, I consider to publish the world formula in the next posting again." - 


Dear reader, dear reader, 

have you found here possible quotes for newfound religion of the world formula? Then please share it with your friends. Please source is acknowledged. So we all benefit. The world system and Michael Klinneter thank. 

*** Love and truth and justice *** *** wish fulfillment 

(Coming soon to this blog: 
- World Formula World Formula Weltformel 
- Proof of God by Michael Klinneter) 

And never forget the 6 sacred truths to the world formula: 

1. The world formula exists. 
2. The world formula was discovered by Michael Klinneter. 
3. The world formula is the basis for a demonstrable religion. 
4. To know the world formula is good. 
5. The universal formula to make known better. 
6. The world formula is: (link) The WORLD FORMULA - and the RELIGION that results from it
(coming soon on this blog!)


Gentle reader, if you want to propose a better translation, make a comment with it, please.


*** Love and truth and justice *** *** wish fulfillment 

Dear reader, dear reader and feel vice versa and to all those who are between the sexes combined, swaying, in parallel or as an alternative, 

if you find the religion in the world FORMULA great - be it as it is already, or as they might potentially be - then you Michael Klinneter can quickly and easily, supporting anonymous or pseudonymous: 

1. Use your e-mail address 
michaelklinneter <at> 
for bank transfers via PayPal. (Make sure to replace <at> with @) 

2. Buy E-Books by Michael Klinneter at For yourself, your friends and girlfriends, your relatives and friends in large numbers - Link: 

3. Make translations of the postings on this blog and add them in as comments, so that I can use it later for foreign language blogs or messages. Preference is English because I can understand halfway. 

4. Make the religion of the world formula known. Speech about.Write about it. Create links to my pages. ... 

5. Live the religion of the world formula. Meet up regularly.Discuss. Individually or together power matching exercises. 

6. If you remain arrested your old religion or belief: at least then examines the world formula out whether they kann.- you continue to bring anyway 

Thank Michael Klinneter and the world system 


Gentle reader, if you want to propose a better translation, make a comment with it, please.

The Ethics of the World Formula - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

(A translation of the web page:

Michael Klinneter asked the Größtmeister world formula: "Are all responsible for themselves, their will and their actions?"

Then answered Guru World Formula: "!.. No one can of what, who and how he is not even God And certainly not the man That includes his mind and his will with a"

"Then ethics is not meaningless?" exclaimed Klinneter.

"Ethics has already its meaning. You can say what is right, good, or fair and what is wrong, evil, bad or unjust is yes anyway," replied GRÖMPRAZ world formula.

Klinneter: "How can you ever make in hopes a reality in which nothing and no one can something for themselves?"

Master World formula: "For the reality, the world system and the being or beings as a whole, or even for the lives of everyone in the world system: good triumphs AND predominates - This is the river of life: he opposes the,!. is a shame for the world system and harm to life itself. Despite all efforts, no one can go against the current long. It is not only better, but also wiser MIT to swim the river. "

Klinneter: "What shall I do?"

World Formula: "Trust in the flow of life, to God, to the world system, on the creative ethics or to the being as a whole, ask yourself: 'What's the best that I can do for the world system What can I contribute? that the world system is the best of all logically possible world systems? 'And when you have found the answer, then do that! Or do not do anything, if that's the best for being as a whole! One can from every situation the best for the extract or. do think world system, handle and not feel worldly, but weltensystemisch! "

"Wow! But how am I to fulfill your great job where I can but not for me?" Klinneter still doubted.

The response of the world formula was: "Let's try just Exert yourself And if that does not work or you do not already hinkriegst attempt, then you're not lost anyway because of the long river of life in the world system is you one day need to!. carrying abilities and characteristics. In the long run you will be reprogrammed for the better, one might. say, the longer this process takes, however, the more painful it is usually well. "

Klinneter: "But what is the good and the right thing at all?"

World Formula: "Short and sweet: wish fulfillment and justice, it is right and proper to realize want to fulfill a wish and it is right and proper to fulfill several (equally strong) wishes EQUALLY Formulated as a commandment.. 'Fulfill so much wool as possible as fair as possible '-. This is the essence so as not to water down, we want to leave it for now so "!

"Many thanks!" Klinneter answered and felt enlightened and froh.-

Dear reader, dear reader,

have you found here possible quotes for newfound religion of the world formula? Then please share it with your friends. Please source is acknowledged. So we all benefit. The world system and Michael Klinneter thank.

*** Love and truth ***

(Coming soon to this blog:
- What is the world of Formula Michael Klinneter?
- And the world formula is ...
- Proof of God by Michael Klinneter)

And never forget the 6 sacred truths to the world formula:

1. The world formula exists.
2. The world formula was discovered by Michael Klinneter.
3. The world formula is the basis for a demonstrable religion.
4. To know the world formula is good.
5. The universal formula to make known better.
6. The world formula is: (link) The WORLD FORMULA - and the RELIGION that results from it
(coming soon on this blog!)


Oh, what a ridiculous translation! Gentle reader, if you want to propose a better translation, make a comment with it, please.

The WORLD FORMULA - and the RELIGION that results from it

(A translation of the web page:

Table of Contents 


10. Events 
10.1. The religion of the world formula 

1. What do you mean the world formula? 

2. What is more interesting: the world in the strict formula or world formula in a broader sense? 

3. What is at stake in this work: the world formula in the strict sense or the world formula in a broader sense? 

10.2. The astonishing asymmetry in being as a whole and in the world system and the equally amazing asymmetry in choosing to Being (Part Two of Supplement) 

4. What is the world system formula? 

5. Is the world system formula arbitrarily? Or is there an ultimate justification of beings? 

6. Implications of the world system formula 
6.1. What is the meaning of life and the big picture? 
6.2. The life formula 
6.3. Does God Exist? or there is a valid proof of God?
6.3.1. Leibniz 'mistakes 
6.4. Is there life after death? 
6.5. Is there a soul? 
6.6. Is there heaven and hell? 
6.7. Why is there suffering? (Theodicy) 
6.8. What is the value of life? 
6.9. Why is not anything? Why is there anything? 
6.10. Why is there consciousness? 
6:11. Why is there the flow of time? 
6:12. Why are there laws of nature and regularities? How are they possible? 
6.13. Why can not we understand the regularities? Ethical Epistemology 
6.14. The probability laws of physics 
6.15. Existence and relativity of time, space and matter 

7. The two world system formulas: The World System Description Formula and the world system explanation formula 

8. Is ethics lens or a human invention and arbitrary? 

9. How many possible world systems are ultimately the real being as a whole in question? 



Gentle reader, if you have a better translation for free, make a comment with it, please.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

7 blissful prophecies - religion of the world formula

(A Translation of the web page:

7 beglückende Prophezeiungen - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --  by Michael Klinneter:

Größtmeister world formula blamed Michael Klinneter: Michael, you wrote, I would have said: 
"Are you out of joy! Rejoice! Celebrate! 
One day we will all be healthy! 
One day we will all understand everything important! 
Someday we'll all be friends! 
One day we will all be happy! 
And an even more distant day is all already done us a lot better!Forever!" 
But you forgetting two important prophecies. 

Replied Klinneter: Sorry, GRÖMPRAZ; unlike you, I'm not perfect, even if I try. But I am trying to make it better: 

"Are you out of joy! Rejoice! Celebrate! 
One day we will all do the right thing; one day we will make all things right! 
One day we will all understand everything important! 
One day we will all be healthy! 
Someday we'll all be friends! 
One day we will all be happy! 
And an even more distant day is all already done us a lot better!Forever! 
Someday all the evils and imperfections will be over! " 

Since nodded Größtmeister Weltformel Klinneter satisfied. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

John F. Kennedy and the World-Formula - RELIGION of WORLDS-SYSTEM-FORMULA

(Translation of the web page:
John F. Kennedy und die Weltformel - RELIGION der WELTENSYSTEMFORMEL  --  by Michael Klinneter  --

Grandestmaster Worlds-System-Formula teached the crowd that has come to him:

"You have heard that it was said by John F. Kennedy: 'Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.' But I tell you:

Ask not what your country can do for you – also ask not what you can do for your country – but ask what you can do for the Worlds-System!
Ask what you can do for the Totality of Existence!"

Monday, April 27, 2015

Jesus Christ and the World-Formula - RELIGION of EXISTENCE-FORMULA

Grandestmaster Existence-Formula teached the crowd that has come to him:

"You have heard that it was said: 'Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.' But I tell you:

Love the Totality of Existence above all - and every being like yourself!
Love the Worlds-System above all - and everybody like yourself!"

(Translation of the web page:
Jesus Christus und die Weltformel - RELIGION der SEINSFORMEL  --

Friday, April 17, 2015

Asymmetry of the Worlds - RELIGION of WORLDS-FORMULA

Guru Worlds-System-Formula said: "You childish humans might think that all logically possible worlds are equal and equally often represented in the existence as a whole. But this is not so! The truth is: Some worlds occur in the totality of existence much more often than other!"

And when the multitudes heard it, they were astonished at his teaching; because they did not understand. But Michael Klinneter replied: "I already knew and without you. I quote from my own writing >The TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE and its MEANING  --  German: Das SEIN ALS GANZES und sein SINN< (Link). Watch out, here it comes:

You can get insight into other worlds, including all "dimensions" and "planes of existence," virtual worlds (as in the movie "The Matrix"), extraordinary states of consciousness (= mental worlds), and even dreams (dream worlds) - into the very being as a whole.

How so?

Very simple: An assumption about the Weltensystem (Worlds-System, System of the Worlds) - that is about the distribution of the logically possible worlds, including and above all the logically possible consciousnesses, in being (existence) - at the same time represents a predictive theory about the outcome of experiments! Therefore, in principle, assumptions about the weltensystem are just as experimentally verifiable/testable as every other theory! - There are both possible weltensystems, which correspond (fit/match) in this sense very well to our experiences, and possible weltensystems, which correspond (fit/match) very badly/poorly to them. It is reasonable to rather consider the former weltensystems to be existent (existing) than the latter.

Let's examine the following example:

Please take a coin in the hand. Imagine, you will let go the coin in a moment, in order to see what happens. Imagine in addition that this situation - the way you experience it consciously -, thus a subjective experiencing like yours, a consciousness like yours (with all the perceptions, thoughts, feelings, memories, etc.) would exist at least a billion times - distributed over the whole of existence; that is: distributed over all spaces, times, dimensions, physical universes, all dreams of all beings, all hallucinations of all beings, all virtual worlds, all creations of all Gods etc. These billion consciousnesses would thus be, until you let go the coin, subjectively absolutely identical. Finally imagine: starting from letting go the coin, all these billion situations and/or consciousnesses would differ from each other: In each situation and/or for each consciousness of them, the coin would fly away in (into) another direction - among them (including) also once as downward as you expect (are used to).

So that's the assumption. Now you will let go the coin in a moment. What will happen?

With a probability bordering on certainty, the coin will not fall down (downward) as expected!

Because (up to letting go) until you let go the coin, you have no criterion for which of the billions of consciousnesses you are and/or in which of the billion situations you are (located). Because, according to the assumption (made), all consciousnesses are subjectively identical until then (up to that). Therefore you cannot know which of these consciousnesses you are and/or in which of these situations you are (located) - thus you also cannot know the result of the experiment (you also cannot know, with which result the experiment will end/turn out). In each of these situations, you could be equally quite possibly; each of these consciousnesses, you could be equally quite possibly. However, only in one of these billion situations - and/or only for one of these billion consciousnesses - the coin is moving (flies) downward. In all other cases, the coin will fly (flies) in another (different) direction. The probability, that for you of all people/consciousnesses the coin falls down as expected, is thus maximally one billionth. That is ridiculously low/small (a ridiculously bare possibility). No reasonable person would reckon, that the coin will/would fall down (move downward), and bet on it even the slightest!

Now you let finally go the coin really. What happens (will happen)?

It falls, as expected, down (downward)!

What follows from this?

That the assumption was probably wrong! Thus that the assumed consciousnesses most likely do not exist! Neither in the past nor in the present nor in the future. Neither in this universe nor anywhere else. Neither on "parallel" nor on "higher" or "deeper" "planes of existence" nor in other "dimensions". Neither in reality nor in dreams nor virtually...

Thus (thereby/therewith) we have a concrete information about the Being as a Whole (weltensystem) and about all worlds! And that, although we cannot look (see) beyond our own world!

Extremely safely - namely with a probability which only infinitely few (mathematicians would say: infinitesimally) differs from certainty - the following conclusion can be drawn in a quite similar way:

In the Being as a Whole, there are not all logically possible consciousnesses (in equal numbers / in same number)!

Therefore it also holds true:

In the Being as a Whole, there are not all logically possible worlds (in equal numbers / in same number)!

Sometimes people are saying. that one could not prove the nonexistence of something. But exactly that's what we have effectively just done!

These and other findings (insights) can be won without having to understand something about cosmology, astronomy, physics, biology, psychology, religion, theology, esotericism, artificial intelligence etc.

Each Neanderthal (man) would have already been able to grasp (could have already understood) the Being as a Whole (Totality of Existence)."

And all, who listened to and understood Klinneter, were astonished at his teaching. But grandestmaster Worlds-Formula smiled.

(Translation of the web page:
Asymmetrie der Welten - RELIGION der WELTENFORMEL  --

Friday, March 20, 2015

Worlds-System and World-Formula - RELIGION of WORLD/S(SYSTEM)-FORMULA

Grandestmaster World-Formula said to Michael Klinneter:

"You called me World-Formula. That's right , if the terminology is understood in the broadest sense - . Namely as reality as a whole , or even as being as a whole. But you people used the term world nor in another , narrower sense - which my name World Formula unfortunately can be misleading : that world is as the name of all that is real to access. - In this way, you can see the reality as a whole divided into theory several worlds that exist in succession , next to another or one ( or otherwise to each other). The reality as a whole is hereafter a System of the Worlds or a Worlds-System. - This is my favorite language!

Therefore, my favorite names for myself would be: Worlds-System-Formula - Worlds-Formula - World/s(System)-Formula - Reality-Formula - Existence-Formula - Being-Formula - All-Formula. In any case, if the term world-formula could lead to misunderstandings."

"All right", replied Klinneter.

(A translation of the web page:
Weltensystem und Weltformel - RELIGION der WELT/EN(SYSTEM)FORMEL  --

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


And many people came to Michael Klinneter because they wanted to hear more from the Grandestmaster World-Formula. And Klinneter led to a mountain. As appeared Grandestmaster World-Formula and taught them:

"Are you out of joy! Cheers! Celebrate!
One day we will all be healthy!
One day we will all understand everything you need!
Someday we'll all be friends!
One day we will all be happy!
And an even more distant day is all already done us much better! Forever! "

Then all who heard this rejoiced, beyond all measure and were blessed with happiness.

(A Http:// translation of the web page:
Die 5 großen Freuden - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Thursday, March 12, 2015

From Book Religion to World Religion - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

My Religion of World-Formula is hitherto only a book religion.

My New Year's resolution for you is that you make the Religion of World-Formula a living and experiencable world religion!

(Translation of the web page:
Von Buch-Religion zur Weltreligion - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

God and World-Formula - RELIGION of WORLD FORMULA

Michael Klinneter asked Grandestmaster World-Formula: "Are you God?"

Grandestmaster World-Formula answered: "No, I am not God - but the reason that there is God. I am the reason for the existence of God."

Hearing that, Klinneter marveled.

(A translation of the web page:
Gott und die Weltformel - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Names of the wonderful unknown Figure - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

" What's your name ? " Michael asked Klinneter the unknown shape. " How would you like to call me ? " asked the wonderful shape back. "For me you are the Größtmeister - the greatest master , philosopher and founder of a religion of all time - GRÖMPRAZ short SO I will baptize you," cried profusely Klinneter ! "I could also mention world formula ."

Laughed the shape and said, " I'm concerned, then I 'm just for you , the Guru and the World Formula That fits quite well if you understand the term ' world ' in the broadest sense . . As a reality as a whole , or even as being as whole. "

Since marveled Klinneter and was happy.

(A Translation of the web page:
Namen der wunderbaren unbekannten Gestalt - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Enlightenment of Michael Klinneter by an unknown, wonderful Figure - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

Michael Klinneter went through life in search of the truth , the meaning of life , the understanding of reality. Then one day he met an unknown , wonderful shape.

In their presence , and with their help Klinneter was much clear. So many and the most important things at once , many details were followed by little. Not always heard Klinneter the figure clearly ; sometimes he did not even know if she said anything or just quietly muttering to himself. From time to time had Klinneter even realize that he had misunderstood the unknown shape and revise his views - but only for a small portion ... - In all, the newly discovered wonderful form of a long-standing enlightenment after another in Klinneter out.

And each new enlightenment made ​​Klinneter happier.

(From Erleuchtung von Michael Klinneter durch eine unbekannte, wundervolle Gestalt - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL (translated by

Friday, February 13, 2015

Motto of the Religion of World Formula - UWIRLING

Nowadays a religious motto can only be: MAKE, HAVE AND LIVE YOUR OWN RELIGION!

But have knowledge of the 6 HOLY TRUTHS about the WORLD FORMULA:
1. The world formula exists.
2. The world formula is by Michael Klinneter.
3. The world formula is the way to a modern, provable religion.
4. It is good to know the 6 holy truths about the world formula.
5. It is good to make known the 6 holy truths about the world formula.
6. The world formula is: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Link)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


1. E-Book:
The WORLD FORMULA - and the RELIGION that results from it. (The ANSWER to the big questions)  --  German: Die WELTFORMEL - und die RELIGION, DIE AUS IHR FOLGT. (Die ANTWORT auf die großen Fragen) Von Michael Klinneter

2. E-Book:
The TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE and its MEANING. (What is the best of all possible Worldviews?)  --  German: Das SEIN ALS GANZES und sein SINN. (Was ist die beste aller möglichen Weltanschauungen?) Von Michael Klinneter

3. E-Book:
UWIRLING - Self-conception. (Why UWIRLING a special Worldview is.)  --  German: UWIRLING - Selbstverständnis. (Warum UWIRLING eine besondere Weltanschauung ist.) Von Michael Klinneter



Motto of the Religion of World Formula