(A translation of the web page:
Weltformel entdeckt von Michael Klinneter:
(You can replace "reality" with "being as a whole", "existence as a whole", "totality of existence", "system of the worlds", "worlds system", or other synonyms.)
Weltformel entdeckt von Michael Klinneter:
The World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory) constructed by Michael Klinneter is very simple. It may even come along unimpressively. But in my opinion it holds the answers to many big questions of religion and philosophy. For example:
- Why is there anything at all? Why is not nothing?
- Why is there consciousness?
- What is the meaning of life?
- What should I do?
- Is there a life after death?
- Does God exist?
- What is (with) the soul?
- Why are there laws of nature? And why are they understandable? -
(The details and derivations can be found in the works The WORLD FORMULA - and the RELIGION that results from it [The ANSWER to the big questions] and The TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE and its MEANING. (What is the best of all possible Worldviews?) by Michael Klinneter.)
WATCH OUT !!! And now it comes: the WORLD FORMULA, the ULTIMATE THEORY, the THEORY OF EVERYTHING !!! According to Michael Klinneter, the World Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory is:
The Being-as-a-Whole is best possible.
The real being as a whole is a best possible being as a whole.
But perhaps "existence" is the better English word than "being"? Then the World-Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory is:
The Existence-as-a-Whole is best possible.
The real existence as a whole is a best possible existence as a whole.
The Totality-of-Existence is best possible.
The real totality of existence is a best possible totality of existence.
The System-of-the-Worlds is best possible.
The real system of the worlds is a best possible system of the worlds.
The Worlds-System is best possible.
The real worlds system is a best possible worlds system.
The Reality is best possible.
The (actual) reality is a best possible reality.
The (real) reality is a best possible reality.-
So, that was the World Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory. But it was only its "weak" formulation. There is also a "strong" version of the World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory:
The real Being-as-a-Whole is the best possible Being-as-a-Whole.
The real being as a whole is the best of all possible beings as a whole.
The real Existence-as-a-Whole is the best possible Existence-as-a-Whole.
The real existence as a whole is the best of all possible existences as a whole.
The real Totality-of-Existence is the best possible Totality-of-Existence.
The real totality of existence is the best of all possible totalities of existence.
The real System-of-the-Worlds is the best possible System-of-the-Worlds.
The real system of the worlds is the best of all possible systems of the worlds.
The real Worlds-System is the best possible Worlds-System.
The real worlds system is the best of all possible worlds systems.
We do not live in the best of all possible worlds; we live in the best of all possible systems of the worlds; we live in the best of all possible worlds-systems.
The (actual) Reality is the best possible reality.
The (actual) reality is the best of all possible realities.
The (real) Reality is the best possible Reality.
The (real) reality is the best of all possible realities.-
1. The formulations mean more or less the same.
2. The terms "best", "best possible" etc. are meant in the ETHICAL meaning. See the posting THE ETHICS OF THE WORLD FORMULA by Michael Klinneter about the question of what is good and right!
3. "Possible" means "logically possible".
4. The weak formulation of the World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory means that there could be nothing better than the given. The strong formulation of the World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory indicates that there is not even something equally good as the given.-
We see: The World Formula, the Theory of Everything, the Ultimate Theory also is the more explicit formula:
The real reality is the ethically best reality of all logically possible realities.
(You can replace "reality" with "being as a whole", "existence as a whole", "totality of existence", "system of the worlds", "worlds system", or other synonyms.)
Dear reader,
Have you here found possible quotes of the Religion of World Formula? (The Religion of World Formula could also be called Religion of the Theory of Everything or Religion of the Ultimate Theory.) Then share them with your friends. Please with indication of source. So we all benefit. The Worlds-System and Michael Klinneter thank.
("?" means that I don't know if it is the right English word!).
(Coming soon on this blog:
- PROOF OF GOD by Michael Klinneter !!!
- Leibniz' errors
- ETHICAL World Formula
- Life after death?
- Is there a soul?
- Why is there consciousness?
- Basis of the laws of nature)
And never forget the 7 sacred truths about the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory):
1. There is the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
2. Michael Klinneter found the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
3. A provable religion is based on the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
4. It is good to know the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
5. It is better to make better known the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory).
6. That is the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory): "The real totality of existence is the best possible totality of existence."
7. That is the ethics of the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory): "Fulfill as much will (?) (wanting?) (wishing?) as possible as fair (?) as possible!" (ETHICAL World Formula, Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory)
("?" means that I don't know if it is the right English word!)
Whoever has a brain ought to think!
Has Michael Klinneter really discovered the World Formula (Theory of Everything, Ultimate Theory)? - Has Michael Klinneter also found the ETHICAL world formula? - Decide for yourself!
Gentle reader, if you want to propose a better translation, make a comment with it, please.
Gentle reader, if you want to propose a better translation, make a comment with it, please.