Wednesday, February 25, 2015

God and World-Formula - RELIGION of WORLD FORMULA

Michael Klinneter asked Grandestmaster World-Formula: "Are you God?"

Grandestmaster World-Formula answered: "No, I am not God - but the reason that there is God. I am the reason for the existence of God."

Hearing that, Klinneter marveled.

(A translation of the web page:
Gott und die Weltformel - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Names of the wonderful unknown Figure - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

" What's your name ? " Michael asked Klinneter the unknown shape. " How would you like to call me ? " asked the wonderful shape back. "For me you are the Größtmeister - the greatest master , philosopher and founder of a religion of all time - GRÖMPRAZ short SO I will baptize you," cried profusely Klinneter ! "I could also mention world formula ."

Laughed the shape and said, " I'm concerned, then I 'm just for you , the Guru and the World Formula That fits quite well if you understand the term ' world ' in the broadest sense . . As a reality as a whole , or even as being as whole. "

Since marveled Klinneter and was happy.

(A Translation of the web page:
Namen der wunderbaren unbekannten Gestalt - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL  --

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Enlightenment of Michael Klinneter by an unknown, wonderful Figure - RELIGION of WORLD-FORMULA

Michael Klinneter went through life in search of the truth , the meaning of life , the understanding of reality. Then one day he met an unknown , wonderful shape.

In their presence , and with their help Klinneter was much clear. So many and the most important things at once , many details were followed by little. Not always heard Klinneter the figure clearly ; sometimes he did not even know if she said anything or just quietly muttering to himself. From time to time had Klinneter even realize that he had misunderstood the unknown shape and revise his views - but only for a small portion ... - In all, the newly discovered wonderful form of a long-standing enlightenment after another in Klinneter out.

And each new enlightenment made ​​Klinneter happier.

(From Erleuchtung von Michael Klinneter durch eine unbekannte, wundervolle Gestalt - RELIGION der WELTFORMEL (translated by

Friday, February 13, 2015

Motto of the Religion of World Formula - UWIRLING

Nowadays a religious motto can only be: MAKE, HAVE AND LIVE YOUR OWN RELIGION!

But have knowledge of the 6 HOLY TRUTHS about the WORLD FORMULA:
1. The world formula exists.
2. The world formula is by Michael Klinneter.
3. The world formula is the way to a modern, provable religion.
4. It is good to know the 6 holy truths about the world formula.
5. It is good to make known the 6 holy truths about the world formula.
6. The world formula is: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Link)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


1. E-Book:
The WORLD FORMULA - and the RELIGION that results from it. (The ANSWER to the big questions)  --  German: Die WELTFORMEL - und die RELIGION, DIE AUS IHR FOLGT. (Die ANTWORT auf die großen Fragen) Von Michael Klinneter

2. E-Book:
The TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE and its MEANING. (What is the best of all possible Worldviews?)  --  German: Das SEIN ALS GANZES und sein SINN. (Was ist die beste aller möglichen Weltanschauungen?) Von Michael Klinneter

3. E-Book:
UWIRLING - Self-conception. (Why UWIRLING a special Worldview is.)  --  German: UWIRLING - Selbstverständnis. (Warum UWIRLING eine besondere Weltanschauung ist.) Von Michael Klinneter



Motto of the Religion of World Formula